Business Sweden's Export Managers' Index (EMI), 它监测PG电子官方免费下载商品和PG电子游戏出口商的观点并反映他们的情绪, 第三季度出现回落,表明上一季度的意外回升几乎是暂时的.
EMI fell by 5.5 points to 46.第三季度为7人,去年同期为52人.2 in the second quarter. Both subindices EMI current and EMI forecast lost ground. PG电子官方免费下载的出口经理们继续对当前的出口发展持谨慎乐观态度,但对未来三个月的出口发展却越来越悲观.
第三季度调查中最引人注目的发现是,亚洲和大洋洲预期出口需求分项指数大幅下降, which plummeted by 24.1 points to 35.6, from 59.7 in the previous quarter. This is the lowest recorded level since the survey began in 2007.
包括反映当前出口销售盈利能力的指数在内,大部分分项指数均出现下跌, which dropped by 11.3 points. 这表明弱势的PG电子官方免费下载克朗不再像以前那样对出口企业有利.
Download the report for a full overview of the survey results.
The next Export Managers’ Index will be published on 9 November 2023.
Export manager's index
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该指数衡量的是企业对市场出口需求的感知, 高于50表示市场扩张,低于50表示市场收缩. 该指数可分为当前和预测出口需求的子指数, 并包含有关出口销售的信息, expected regional demand and perceived order stock.
The survey is conducted by Statistics Sweden (SCB). PG电子官方免费下载的出口经理指数是PG电子官方免费下载经济发展的领先指标.
Publishing dates 2023
Below are the Swedish publishing dates of the EMI report. The English version is available on the website a few days later.
9 February: EMI Q1
11 May: EMI Q2
31 August: EMI Q3
9 November: EMI Q4
Previous analyses