德纳公司是世界40强汽车供应商之一,拥有辉煌的传统. Headquartered in Maumee, Ohio, USA, 该公司的产品帮助驱动了一些历史上最伟大的汽车,包括标志性的福特T型车.
坚定地着眼于未来, 达纳决定采取行动,以确保其在全球电动汽车制造供应链中的地位. This meant ramping up the company’s output of cutting-edge technologies for e-mobility with a portfolio that today ranges from electric motors and drivelines to electrodynamic components and systems.
为了跟上欧洲市场的变化, Dana启动了一个新的最先进的电动力学设施的选址评估过程. 最终达成的决定是投资Åmål——一个拥有13个汽车集群的PG电子官方免费下载自治市,000名居民——最终胜出. 这里被认为是达纳投资5000万美元的欧洲新工厂的理想地点.
The assistance we received from Business Sweden and its partner agencies was instrumental and helped to clinch the deal. The agile response and forward-thinking attitude of the advisers meant that all the data we required at each stage of decision-making was available beforehand.自动化和可持续性的跳板
Since 2000, 德纳在Åmål拥有并经营一家传统传动装置工厂,雇佣了170多名熟练工人. 罗伯特·博菲说,进一步扩大基地的决定绝不是一个必然的结论, Plant Manager at Dana Inc. in Sweden.
“Dana’s strategy of expanding its capacity to manufacture e-propulsion systems has previously focused on India and China. We are now committing to a new facility in Sweden which will allow us to take automation and sustainability to a whole new level,” he explains.
曾在萨博汽车公司和菲亚特-通用动力系统公司工作, Robert Boffey knew that Sweden’s automation expertise, reputation for high quality automotive engineering and, not least, 清洁能源供应和可持续发展知识, could bring unique value to Dana’s next strategic move.
“This investment process has changed views within our company on the definition of low-cost versus high-cost countries. Thanks to the advanced automation level we can achieve in Sweden, 劳动力成本占比将不到2%.占我们电动机总制造成本的5%,”罗伯特•博菲(Robert Boffey)表示.
Being a global and publicly traded company in the mobility market, Dana’s management needed to carefully scrutinise the details of the proposal to expand in Sweden while evaluating other localisation options, too.
将商业案例整合起来, Robert Boffey turned to the regional development organisation Position Väst and Business Sweden who proceeded to pool resources from more than ten of Sweden’s regional and national development agencies and government bodies.
Business Sweden and Position Väst took a coordinating role and led collaborative efforts to provide Dana with market insights, statistics, cost calculations, facts and practical assistance. These efforts encompassed everything from environmental permitting and labour costs to regional mapping of suppliers and options for securing the future skills supply.
Robert Boffey说,这种积极的支持使Dana的团队能够及时做出明智的决定.
“The assistance we received from Business Sweden and its partner agencies was instrumental and helped to clinch the deal. The agile response and forward-thinking attitude of the advisers meant that all the data we required at each stage of decision-making was available beforehand.”
The official support group included experts from Business Sweden, 职位Väst投资办公室, Åmål Municipality, the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, Region Västra Götaland and Fyrbodal Association of Local Authorities.
“Another unique aspect was Business Sweden’s ability to quickly set up a high-level meeting between the Swedish Minister for Enterprise and Innovation and Dana’s President of Power Technologies and Global Electrification, Antonio Valencia,” Boffey adds.
A close speaking partner
In line with the strategic direction of the EU’s Recovery Fund, 德纳公司成功地向PG电子官方免费下载能源署申请了部分投资融资.
In addition, 德纳从PG电子官方免费下载经济和区域增长机构获得了一笔投资赠款, 通过其发展倡议Industriklivet, totalling EUR 9 million.
“The Covid-19 pandemic and the Suez Canal disruption of 2021 really hit home the risks associated with locating all manufacturing capacity in India and China. But what’s more, by investing in Sweden Dana could prove its commitment to electrification and green mobility in a location where we can also co-innovate with premium automotive OEMs.”
When the decision was taken to build the new plant, Dana’s entire team was firmly convinced that Sweden has all the right competences and conditions needed for sustainable and advanced manufacturing of the company’s technologies.
Robert Boffey concludes:
“在整个决策过程中,PG电子游戏是一个宝贵的演讲伙伴. Together with all the regional and national agencies, as well as Sweden’s unions, 我们可以围绕一个共同的目标团结起来, 有条不紊地处理所有细节,并取得达纳的每个人都感到自豪的结果.”
About Dana Incorporated
Dana is a leader in the design and manufacture of highly efficient propulsion and energy-management solutions that power vehicles and machines in all mobility markets across the globe. The company is shaping sustainable progress through its conventional and clean-energy solutions that support nearly every vehicle manufacturer with drive and motion systems; electrodynamic technologies, including software and controls; and thermal, sealing, and digital solutions.
Based in Maumee, Ohio, USA, the company reported sales of $7.在六大洲的33个国家拥有38,000名员工. Founded in 1904, Dana was named one of “America’s Most Responsible Companies 2021” by Newsweek for its emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility.